Lynette's Story...

Being misunderstood had become a way of life for Lynette leading to a mistaken belief that she would never be good enough.


It was only when she was diagnosed with dyslexia that life took on some semblance of order, but to be an author and illustrator was something that she had never considered.  


But a Friend of Lynette’s believed in her. With His help, He encouraged her to start writing. With His clever insights and inspiration, Lynette found her wings and began to fly.


She will be forever grateful to her Best Friend and also the wonderful team who have helped her along her flight path.


Lynette loves to share her stories, and with her clever imagination and brilliant illustrations she shows her readers that they too can soar.

Painting of "Cock-a-do the Rooster"

lynette love art

Lynette's Latest Canvas Art

Acknowledgements: Behind the Scenes

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Briars Books, Zion Industries, and About Print for their outstanding contributions and unwavering support in bringing Lynette Love Books to life. Each of these exceptional businesses played a unique and integral role in this journey, and their dedication, professionalism, and expertise have been invaluable.